circles of understanding

Circles of Understanding (COU) is an initiative designed to bring awareness to the impacts and social challenges that result from the continued oppression of Aboriginal people including on or off reserve and non-status First Nations people, Inuit and Metis. With the principles of understanding and compassion at the center of this initiative, Aboriginal people were brought together to share their stories. It is these stories that inform the educational materials of COU and were used to create a Teachers Guide to working with Elders when teaching the history of Canadian Indian Residential Schools. In addition to this guide, the initiative also created 10 full size educational panels for public display that depict the on-going impacts of Residential Schools on Aboriginal people. VACPC offers Cultural Awareness Training to groups such as Vancouver Police Department members, Justice Institute of BC Police Recruits, educators, community advocates, corrections employees, City of Vancouver staff, and the general public.
This program is no longer funded. We are currently seeking new funding sources to continue Circles of Understanding. Please contact us if you are interested in hosting and/or funding Circles of Understanding.
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Together with partners, we bring you a small grant for Indigenous individuals living in Metro Vancouver Communities.