get involved
The Vancouver Aboriginal Community Policing Centre depends on the generous commitment of time from community volunteers to ensure that VACPC continues to provide a safe, secure and welcoming space for community members.
Join the board
The Vancouver Aboriginal Community Policing Centre is guided by an Aboriginal Board of Directors consisting of up to eight elected members. Positions are filled through an application process or at Annual General Meetings.
Partner with us
The Vancouver Aboriginal Community Policing Centre actively seeks partnerships with Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal organization, companies and government that have a shared vision.
Attend a program
The Vancouver Aboriginal Community Policing Centre delivers cultural programs in conjunction with our community partners. They generally occur at our partners’ locations and are focused on the health, safety and security of Aboriginal people in Vancouver. We welcome everyone to attend and participate in weekly programs and events.
Job Opportunities
No Positions Available At This Time.
Thank you for your interest.